Slendier SlimPasta
Launched 6 new products and secured product distribution with two major supermarket chains

Business Size
about us
Slendier started out in Melbourne back where their mission is to improve the quality of life by providing healthy food options for everyone looking to manage their weight in an enjoyable, sustainable and achievable manner. Their products are low carb and a great alternative to wheat and rice as they’re made using the Konjac root, and are available in in the health food aisle of major supermarkets such as Coles, Foodworks, IGA and Woolworths throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Our Approach
The team at Slendier came to Bright Owl Marketing in the early stages of their start-up business as they were seeking an experienced marketing consultant that could help them with strategic planning and to also support and manage the implementation of several marketing campaigns over the course of the year.
Bright Owl Marketing delivered the following services for Slendier SlimPasta:
- Strategic marketing workshop and 12 month communications plan
- Develop Promotions and Tactical Offers
- Public Relations Activities
- Social Media Marketing
- Google Adwords Keyword Strategy
- Survey Existing Customers
- Distribution Channel Development
- Trade Shows
- Copywriting
- Create Affiliate Partnerships
- Key Message Development
- Print Advertising
- Email Marketing
The Challenge
They were growing rather quickly and really wanted to have the right marketing person in place to help them achieve future business growth. After an initial marketing workshop, Bright Owl Marketing was able to achieve a number of objectives.
The Results
One of the major results Bright Owl Marketing achieved was to help secure their SlimPasta product in both Woolworths and Coles supermarkets, which was a big win as they were only available at health food stores previously. We then went onto launch 6 new products over the course of the year.
We organised several print and digital advertising campaigns, and enhanced this with press releases and public relations activities to help educate consumers about the benefits of Konjac and to further drive brand awareness, which resulted in a sales uplift.
Bright Owl Marketing grew the number of Facebook fans from 1500 to 5,500, and the email database grew from 500 subscribers to over 3,000 over the course of the year. Email marketing was a key touch point to build trust and to promote the latest offers, new products, recipe ideas, and other educational and inspirational content to keep our customers engaged and happy. Blog posts were created based on educational topics specifically around the health benefits of Konjac, Recipe Ideas and Health Tips.
Google search keywords were updated based on target market segments and customer searches. Key pages were updated with Meta data descriptions to help boost overall rankings. Organic Google search grew 223%, which resulted in an increase in our customer database and overall supermarket sales.
The Slendier brand is now well established; however it needed to quickly stand out in a very niche market with lots of emerging competitors. To give Slendier a point of difference, Bright Owl Marketing provided further advice on the development of their brand and product range, including logo design, packing and website to increase the brands overall impact, drive website visitation, grow the database and increase supermarket sales.
“I would highly recommend Craig to any business looking for someone to quickly and efficiently understand their marketing needs, and translate them into an easy to follow and actionable marketing plan. We asked Craig to help us with a range of marketing initiatives including PR, social media, advertising, website and partnership marketing, and his team were truly great and enthusiastic to work with. It was great pleasure to work with someone that fully embraced our missions and values, making you feel like you have an additional dedicated member in your team.”
Mai V. Haven , SlimPasta

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