I would like to thank Craig from Bright Owl Marketing for all his help over the last year. When we look at where we were a year ago, and look out how our marketing department has developed under the guidance of Craig it is great to see how much has been improved!
When we first started working with Craig he really took the time to get to know our product and industry and feel that all the advice he gives is tailor made and specific to the needs of our business and the industry that we work in.
Not only has he come up with some really innovative ideas, but he has followed up on a weekly basis and offered training where necessary to ensure that we are getting the most out of his services and products. This has worked really well with regular telephone catch ups and visits to our offices for brainstorming sessions. It is great to know that I have Craigs support and can always shoot him an email if I need some marketing advice and will hear back the same day.
I feel personally that I have a much broader understanding of marketing now and how it can benefit our company thanks to Craig sharing his knowledge and expertise. He has helped implement multiple new initiatives and brought us up to speed with modern strategies for increasing customer touch points, and really getting ourselves known in the market. We have updated a lot of our collateral and when Craig helped us launch our new rewards program his designer did a fantastic job on the brochure, really eye catching and in keeping with the branding that Craig helped us develop.
Really great to see such tangible results from our work together! Thanks Craig!