Use both Topics and Keyword Research to Maximise SEO in 2020

Popular opinion says focusing on keywords is critical to ranking on Google. But how effective is that tactic today? Do keywords still carry the same weight? Starting with the rollout of semantic search, there’s been a continued change in search algorithms to now focus more on topic recognition rather than keyword match, thereby satisfying search […]

Coronavirus Marketing Plan Tips

The Coronavirus Downturn – Adjust Your Marketing Plan with these 12 Top Tips

No doubt, most businesses are beginning to succumb to the harsh realities of the coronavirus. Businesses are feeling the hit as the pandemic suppresses the economy. Restaurants are like graveyards, while grocery stores have nothing but empty shelves. The chances are that you are looking for a way to cope and keep your business afloat […]

Finding the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Australia for Your Small Business

In this post, we’ll help you determine whether you should handle your own small business marketing or engage the service of a digital marketing agency… One of the golden rules of digital marketing is finding out where your target audience hangs out and then getting your content in front of them. Before now, people were used […]

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